Purple Sunshine It's raining here in Los Angeles. It's a tough day to motivate my Mom to do anything active. Any suggestions or ideas?
Julie Wilson Fodrie how about a beautiful jig saw puzzle
Sylvia Priester If u have coins in a jar maybe she could sort them
Anna Vasco give her something to do give her towels to fold give her a baby doll something to keep her hands busy , the ladies at the nursing home love that.
Mike Menster I found with my Mom, a coloring book was an incredible source of fun for her. Not only did it keep her attention, but kept her hands moving and her mind working. As a matter of fact, the simplest book was the best. She was a HUGE Disney fan, so I picked up of few of those for her. She would become so engrossed in her coloring that if she was in the middle of one, she wouldnt stop, even for lunch or other activities.
Laura Sideritch Kulin my mother would spend hours cleaning the sink and stove in the kitchen. Also she would fold laundry for hours if I was doing it. Being occupied with an activity reduced the amount of repeated questions.
Sharon Blontz My Mom loves Rummikub... we play almost every night. :o)
Carol Rita Sylvia I drag out family pictures for mom to go through-she loves it. Sometimes it's emotional, but cathartic for her, too.
Jenica Anagnostou the environment is especially powerful force on alz. residents moods... finding an old routine for her to participate in is the best! Looks like this last point is the key!