Purple Sunshine™ is dedicated to caring for the caregivers of Alzheimer's disease. We want to lift you up with a smile, share the latest thoughts on medical progress, recognize YOU - the caregiver - for your loving spirit, and hear your stories.
Caregivers Care: Its what the Purple Sunshine community provides... because its what all of you do!!
If you are a caregiver, go to the SMILE page. The stories you read will help you smile and see the beauty of human nature smiling back behind this disease.
If you want to know more about how to fight Alzheimer's, go to the CURE page.
If you know of someone who is a caregiver of Alzheimer's patient, you have an opportunity to recognize them. We all have a story to tell when it comes to Alzheimer's. Tell us your story that will bring a smile to another caregiver. We want to know... we all want to hear your story.
Are you a caregiver of an Alzheimer's patient? Can you use some support and understanding? Do you feel as though you are all alone "out there"? Welcome! This site is for you, along with our Facebook page - please visit us there as well.