One of the biggest reasons? Money.
Look at the statistics for where the research dollars go.
We spend $5.6 billion a year funding cancer studies.
$1 billion a year for heart disease.
For Alzheimer's disease? A mere $500 million a year.
It's no wonder why 81% of those polled saw great progress being made in curing heart disease and 74% said the same for cancer, but only 48% felt researchers were making strides against Alzheimer's, as reported in The Shriver Report: A Woman's Nation Takes on Alzheimer's.
Yet, "Alzheimer's is what is going to get most of us." says Dr. Ronald Petersen, director of the Mayo Clinic Alzheimer's Disease Research Center.
We need to increase awareness on the impact of this disease. We need to have more dollars going to research. We need to fight for a cure.