Your loved one asks you the same question over and over again.
They forget what they've heard even a minute ago, but they know something in their environment is changing.
Loved One: “Where are we going?”
You: “For the 11th time Mom, we’re going to Maddie’s Spring Concert at Lake Arrowhead, remember?”
Loved One” “Where are we going?”
Remind her she’s asked the same question for the 12th time.
Ask/expect her to remember your reply.
Do :
Stop counting.
Remember “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff”
Be thankful that your mom still has the ability to ask you questions.
Ask a related question about the person or the event and try to make an emotional connection.
“Maddie’s Spring Concert is today. What do you remember about Maddie?” or "Maddie will perform for you today. What do you remember about ________ (name of music or place she particularly liked in the past)?"
You may be surprised at how much information your mom will be able to tell you about Maddie, especially if Maddie is someone close to your mom. Hopefully this dialog will allow you to ask her another question and pretty soon you'd have reached your destination.