My mom has had Alzhiemers for 11years now. There are 7 siblings including my daughter that my mom raised for me. My mom just turned 88 in February. My mom is an Angel - she does not know anybody but she does know me because I take care of her 24/7. My mom raised so many of us plus alot of nieces and nephews,grandkids etc... She loves every little kid that passes her way.She has a doll that she loves to love all day long. She feeds her, kisses her and covers her with a blanket. If I try to touch the doll she will pull on her and tell me NO!!!! LOL!
Everyone told me to put her in a nursing home but I refused. It is very hard because I also take care of my Dad who is 92years old but he is sharp as a tack...whewww! My mom has her bad days but mostly good days..It is so sad to see someone go though this terrible disease. I wish I had my momma back!!!!!!! :**(