I am a 24/7 caregiver. My husband was diagnosed with Early Onset AD in October 2007 and is about stage 5.5 We have seven children, the youngest was 14 when he was diagnosed. Sad that there is very little out there to assist with teen grief. Forced to close a large business, I returned to school and now build websites at home. Its certainly sometimes hard to concentrate on the tasks at hand as at this stage he's a pretty needy guy. We've been through one clinical trial and find that any help coming in for just a couple of hours a few days a week is too much distraction to the routine and routine is critical at this point. I get out on Wednesdays to lunch with friends or just wander around Walmart, but its not enough. In the beginning, I just took it all on myself not wanting to burden anyone else with it. Now, I share. I began writing about daily living with Alzheimer's to document my feelings and plight, issues, stories and it certainly helps. You can find my blog www.alzheimersdiagnosis.blogspot.com. Thanks ~ RB