I have been caring for my 88 year old mother for just over 6 years. She has vascular dementia. My father was starting to show sign of it as well. He passed away from natural causes about a 1 1/2 years ago.
I give Holy Communion to other shut ins who live at home or in nursing homes etc.
Someone had said Alzheimers/Dementia patients should not receive the sacrament anymore. (ED: what are these "someones" possibly thinking?? Amazing how distorted beliefs can become)
I was giving my Mom her pills one night. She though it was communion out of the blue she did the Sign of the Cross and said Amen.
Through the fog of this disease she still remembers the Gift of Life & the forgiveness of Sin. AMEN
(also from Maria)
I care for my mother who has severe Dementia. At midnight on New Years Eve! I kissed & hugged her and said HAPPY NEW YEAR! She hugged & kissed me back and said OKAY, now we can go to sleep. She has moments of awareness. These are the moments that make it all worthwhile. I Love my Mom!