This story comes to us from Nancy Aderante. Thank you for your touching story of devotion, love and caring.
I just want to say how wonderfully blessed it is for all who are caregivers. My husband is gone now, but I was his main caregiver for a time with Alzheimer's. He forgot how to walk and how to eat, had a feeding tube and was incontinent. I promised him he would never go into a nursing home and to the best of my ability I kept that promise with the exception of two days at the end when I stayed with him 24/7. It was hard but I loved him and wanted to take care of him and help him. I did have a hoyer lift and a chair so that I could get him out of bed, he had had one very bad bedsore which had to be debrided and he ended up having flap surgery. The grandchildren would come and although he didn't recognize them he would sing to them (he had been a squaredance caller) and tell them jokes which they remember very well. He couldn't remember them, but he could remember a whole squaredance tune. He left me in 2004 and I miss him every day; loved him so much and was sooo glad I could take care of him and among other things live up to my marriage vows I made before God.